RCT Homepage


I have been a fan of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 for a long time and it is the longest game that I have kept playing. The pupose of this page is to show things that I have either found in the game or other content that I create that is relevant to the game. I will make individual pages with the content and link them here with a short description.

Minimum Stat Overview

Marcel Vos is a Youtuber who makes videos about roller coaster tycoon. He also made a table with the minimum statistic requirements for different roller coasters. I decided to make a table with it and make it interactive with some Javascript.

Rollercoaster car testing

I am somehwhat active in the rollercoaster tycoon community. I participate in community activities and help people if I can. A question I have seen asked many times is conserning the rollercoaster tycoon scenarios concerning the building 10 rollercoaster. Here I will discribe my findings on it.